For years we have been waiting for a beautiful spring day to get in the annual Jigging Open sponsored this year by HDS Custom Rods. Well, Mother Nature and the Fish God’s were NOT listening. Having to use a “Blow Day” Saturday due to 5-8 ft waves and nasty gale winds we pushed to Sunday. Nobody knew what any of their previously established spots would look like or if the fish were still there, but hey that’s just tourney fishing.
At 5:00am, 39 (we lost several boats due to religious reasons) boats started their check-in at Mark’s Bay’s Edge Bait and Tackle Shop and headed anywhere from Detroit, Michigan to Cleveland, Ohio waiting for “lines in” at 7:00am.
The story of the day was LEWT Sponsor, Lowrance and their Active Target. The NWT anglers in town Thursday and Friday proved that big fish were able to be caught around the can line and if conditions allowed, anglers would be able to target and pick off individual fish. The new trend on Erie is putting the trolling rods down and learning to target fish by utilizing the Lowrance Active Target system and using it to its maximum potential.